IELTS Super Star 2

4.7 ( 1037 ratings )
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Utvecklare: EEKAPP International Limited
3.99 USD

This application contains 7 IELTS Reading Tests with answers. All these tests are the latest real tests, which has appeared and recurred in IELTS examination during the year 2006 to 2012. Especially since June 2012, tests contained in this application have reappeared time and again on real examination paper, including Alfred Nobel on Aug. 4, 2012, Man or Machine? on Sept. 1, 2012, Ambergris on Nov. 8, 2012 and the list can continue. Therefore, great possibility is that you may come across one of these tests in your future IELTS exam.

All the 7 tests are restored by an IELTS talent—Mr. Wangyi, the only person in Chinese mainland who got the total band score 9 for IELTS. This application has won great popularity since its coming into the market and many candidates have greatly improved their IELTS score in a short period with the help of this application. If you’re interested in downloading it to your iphone, ipod touch or ipad, please check out its features for more.

- Necessary for preparing your IELTS examination, this application is the choice of most IELTS candidates.
- It contains 7 latest real tests for IELTS reading with answers.
- Tests in this application are the very same with real IELTS reading exam.
- Tests in this application have appeared repeatedly in real IELTS exam recently.
- You may come across one of the tests in your examination.
- Its ultimate goal is to help you get band score 9 for IELTS reading.